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Artifacts, Primary Source Documents, and other files.


US Military Newspapers. CAUTION: (Propaganda bias (wartime, nationalist, ethnocentric, racist), intentional misinformation on operations during wartime, government censorship).

China Command Post Feb 1945.JPG

The China Command Post Feb 16, 1945

1. US War Department wants to draft nurses.

2. US General Patton offensive against Siegfried Line defenses.

3. US Capture of Cavite Base and the Battle for Manila.

4. US Bombers based in Marshall islands bomb Honshu Japan.

5. Nazis planned to rocket bomb the US.

6. USSR offensive in Silesia.

7. Chinese KMT gain in Hankow area.

8. Tetanus eliminated in US Army.

9. Greek EAM / ELAS faction to turn in weapons as part of peace pact.

10. Dresden bombing raid aids Reds.

11. Reds accuse Pope of aiding Germans.

12. Post War B29 Luxury Liner.

13. First GI Loan made by US bank.

14. Chinese mainland campaign forcast.

15. Russo-Japanese Pact ending.

16. Life Sentence commuted to 5 years for solider who refused to drill.

17. Fall of Budapest.

18. Kunming city description as "Shanghai of the West"

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China Lantern Mar 9 1945.JPG

The China Lantern Mar 9, 1945

1. Maj Gen Chennault's "Order of the Day".

2. US Flag Hoisted on Iwo Jima

3. Chinese SOS Truckers will keep rolling for China.

4. Legion Head Dissaproves of WD Policy on Communists.

5. 58 of 60 Men Killed in an Hour and a Half.

6. Race for Time now Favors Chinese, Japs Hope Fading.

7. Political Crisis Seeths in Italy.

8. ATC Chief Lauds SOS Hump Help.

9. British Fleet Ready for Pacific Action.

10. Pvt Albert Gore of Tennessee in Europe.

11. 31 Nations Due at Frisco Meeting.

12. Chinese Cut Suichwan Krushien Road.

13. Mandalay Lashia on Verge of Falling.

14. 14th Air Force Highlights.

15. Logistics "Secret Weapon" Which Beat Japs Says Nimitz.

16. Churchill Visits Troops in Germany.

17. Anti Democratic Riots in Romanian Capital.

18. 14th AF Scores Heavy Toll on Jap Rail, Stocks, Planes, Ships Despite Bad Weather.

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China Lantern Mar 30 1945.JPG

The China Lantern Mar 30, 1945

1. ETO (European Theater) Troops to go to Pacific.

2.  Russians capture Gadynia

3.  Draft extended another year.

4.  China reps to Frisco listed.

5.  Patton defends Yank tanks.

6.  South Yunan secret Chinese army plans offensive.

7.  Chiang Kai Shek visits 14th AF, SOS (Service of Supply), and CTC (Chinese Training Center).

8.  Chinese SOS names 7 area commanders.

9.  Helicopters in post war RR plan.

10.  CACW (Chinese American Composite Wing) OP officer gets eagle at 27.

11.  Bronze Stars to CACW personnel.

12. WCTU (Womens Christian Temperence Union) opposes the drafting of nurses.

13.  Army Nurse Lt. Anna Loiuse Bonner-Perdew and daughter, former EPW/POW return to US.

14. Cebu island invaded by US troops.

15.  Military bypass road around Kunming goes into operation.

16. Ch'eng-Tu custodian of Chinese culture.

17.  Medics to get Combat Badges.

18.  GI training and experience now worth school credit.

19.  OWI seeks GI copy for Chinese papers.


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China Lantern Apr 6 1945.JPG

The China Lantern Apr 6, 1945

1. 3rd Army surges ahead.

2.  Red-Jap pact denounced.

3.  Jap battle about to begin.

4.  Japan's cabinet quits "en bloc"

5.  Frisco conference may be abandoned.

6.  Repot Germany ready to surrender.

7.  Rationing problems beset China colonel.

8.  Chunking warns off fortune tellers.

9.  Ike No 1 American on Military Government

10. Navigator saves CACW Bomb crew

11.  Super Plane to take Hitler to Tokyo

12. Okinawa walk over surprises Marines

13. USAAF vets being employed by ATSC

14. Ace China pilot goes stateside

15. 1,000 B-29s will soon raid Japan

16. Newspaper editors speak in Kunming

17. 18 year old used for replacements

18. Powerful British ships in Pacific

19. 2 Texas GI's design China base crash crew equipment

20. Neutrals won't be present in San Franscisco April 25


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China Lantern Jun 1 1945.JPG

The China Lantern Jun 1, 1945

1. 14th Air Force Destroys Trains, Planes, and Trucks in offensive.
2. Maj General Henry Aurand named as new General of USF CT SOS

3.  Japanese retreat 60 miles after loosing salient.

4. Doolittle's 8th Air Force going to Pacific.

5. Admiral fears Japanese will quit.

6. Wedermeyer praises Cheves CT work.

7.  Japanese balloon bombs travel 125 MPH.

8. 40,000 airman to go to Pacific.

9. 450 Superfortresses set fire to Yokohama.

10. Chinese officers graduated at ITC.

11. Stratemeyer, USAAF to leave Eastern Air Command.

12. Tax Exemption for all armed troops.

13. Russia drafting 15-16 year olds.

14. US Military Personnel urged to avoid criticism in China.

15. ATC express from Calcutta speeds CTs offensive plans.

16. ATC Lifts new 6th Army over "Hump" to Chihkiang.

17. Japan maybe abandoning southeast China for Manchuria stand.

18. Air Ground liaison tops at Chihkiang.


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China Lantern Jun 29 1945.JPG

The China Lantern Jun 29, 1945

1.  Liuchow Outflanked.  Other gains by the Chinese Kuomintang Army.

2.  Generalissimo (Chiang Kai Shek) urges Chinese to fight.

3.  Okinawan victory paying dividends.  Airbase announced to raid Kyushu.

4.  Lend Lease equipment for REDS in Siberia on threshold of Japanese war.

5.  CT (China Theater) G5 section rescues flyers, fluctuating currency.

6.  Chenaultmen (14th Air Force) whip Japanese communications.

7.  (Chinese) Innkeeper confesses murdering 78 guests.

8.  China would welcome Russia in Jap war, says General Ho (Ying Chin).

9.  Nazi dead enders practice sabotage.  

10.  Uncle Joe takes over on Okinawa.

11.  Over 100,000 Jap(anese) casualties on Okie(nawa).

12.  US saved Britain 'Monty' tells GIs.

13.  145 Allied POWs bayonetted by Jap(anese).

14.  Philippines ban Jap(anese) immigration.

15.  Senators disagree on non-frat order.

16.  Clark to head US forces in Austria.


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Sep 26 China Lantern.jpg

The China Lantern Sep 25, 1945

1. KMT Claim of Imperial Abdication

2.  General Lemay, O'Donnel, Giles statements on end of war not due to A Bomb or Russians.

3. Gen Douglas MacArthur potential six month occupation but destruction of Japan as potential future power.

4.  Senator Dean Acheson's rebuked for isnluting Gen. MacArthur. 

5.  GI Veteran Issues:  Selective Service decreed that veterans with re-employment rights cannot be required to join a union to get their jobs back.

6.  General Marshall's demobilization plan debated on Capital Hill.

7.  Peacetime draft dependent on Army and Navy ability to recruit enough numbers.

8.  Emergency jobless pay extended to 26 weeks by Senate vote.

9.  British poison gas, no longer needed in Europe, is being dumped into the sea off Scotland.

10.  George Bernard Shaw criticism of MacArthur plans for occupation of Japan, says US can't occupy itself much less someone else.  Compared it to English mismanagement of Ireland.

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China Lantern Sep 8 1945.JPG

The China Lantern Sep 8, 1945

1. Tokyo Rose seized.

2. Singapore freed with no trouble.

3.  Tenth Air Force; ATC to move 80,000 men.

4.  Men with 45 points won't go overseas.

5.  Bare Jap attrocities; punishment pledged.

6.  MacArthur's Horsemen to occupuy Tokyo today.

7.  Chinese Quisling is reported in Japan.

8.  Starvation, disease, Jap cruelty killed 20,000.

9.  Annamites riot in French Indo-China, situation tense.

10.  Nazis killed 200,000 in one camp alone.

11.  Hiroshima attack "horrible sight".

12.  Some prisoners were lucky.

13.  Japan's rulers explain defeat.

14.  Human side of demobilization.

15.  Japan resting between wars?

16.  Nips salute as US flag flies on Wake.



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China Lantern Sep 15 1945.JPG

The China Lantern Sep 15, 1945

1. Chiang thanks Yanks.

2.  Redeployment of Chinaside Airmen due.

3.  Army plans double the rate of discharge.

4.  Press manhunt for Jap(anese) war criminals.

5.  ATC cutting down to peacetime size.

6.  Blamey defends US Occupation policy.

7.  Pearl Harbor planned by small Tokyo clique.

8.  USAAF still has big job in China.

9.  Surrender stopped Singapore invasion.

10.  Wars last airlift moved 50,000 men.

11. 33,000 prisoners freed from Jap(anese).

12. Experts prove Nip tales of delayed Atom deaths phony.

13.  Biddle to try war criminals for US.

14.  Atom locomotive experiments due.

15.  Urges atomic task force for peace.

16.  Jap suicide pilot attacked Wainwright after release.

17.  "Do unto others" doctrine ignored.

18.  Americans blood saves Tojo's life.


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China Lantern Sep 20 1945.JPG

The China Lantern Sep 20, 1945

1. Update Soon


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